Saturday September 20th 2025: the Open Energy Day
Discover what goes on behind your electrical socket and thermostat! On September 20, 2025 curious citizens can visits renewable energy projects throughout the Netherlands and learn about the people and technologies that drive the energy transition. Meet the people who operate windmills, feel the warmth produced by the ground you walk on or take a tour around a nearby solar farm.
The first four editions introduced a number of great projects to the public. These included wind and solar farms, bio-energy, aqua thermic, underground heat exchanges and power grid infrastructure. In 2024 more than seventy renewable energy projects opened their doors and introduced 5.000 visitors to their initiatives.

Sign-up for energy projects
We are seeking to recruit as many projects as possible, so people can visit a sustainable energy project nearby, throughout the Netherlands. Do you want to open the doors of your project to the public on September 21, 2024? Or has your organisation worked on a suitable project? Do not hesitate and sign-up through the form on the website.

The Open Energy Day is part of the ‘Daar krijg je energie van’ campaign started by the Dutch Association for Sustainable Energy (NVDE) in collaboration with sector associations NEDZero, Holland Solar, Energie Samen, Bodemenergie Nederland, Geothermie Nederland and Vereniging Warmtepompen.